5 Signs Its Time to Upgrade Your Bathroom Faucets

If you just moved into a new home, especially an older one, it’s extremely important that you keep an eye out for small abnormalities in order to stay ahead of larger issues, and save yourself time and money. But, if you’re a new homeowner, you may not even be sure what abnormalities you’re supposed to be looking for. That’s why we’re here – calling in your neighborhood plumber for a yearly check-up or maintenance can bring you peace of mind and save you time spent reading home manuals or watching endless Youtube videos.

An essential part of a yearly home plumbing check-up is searching for leaks. We highly recommend that as soon as you notice the slightest leak in your bathroom, you should investigate the problem. If you choose to ignore it, you may find yourself with a much more expensive problem in a few months.

One of the most leak-prone areas is around bathroom faucets. Below are the top 5 reasons to replace, or upgrade, your bathroom faucets. Call today if you’re experiencing any of these problems, and our technicians can talk you through the possible solutions.

#1: Faucet Repairs are Never Ending

Have you had to repair you leaking shower or bathtub faucet multiple times within the last year or two? It might be time to consider replacing them altogether.

#2: Sink, Shower or Bathtub Faucet is Leaking

There are three main areas you should consistently check for leaks:

  1. Bathroom cabinets or vanities
  2. Shower heads, bathtub handles and faucets
  3. Caulk and trim around shower or bathtub

If not caught in time, or avoided, small leaks can lead to damaged cabinets, walls, ceilings or floors. The wet walls or floors can also spawn unhealthy mold or mildew.

#3: Faucet Handles are Hard to Turn

Hard to turn faucet handles can be caused by any number of problems, including age, mineral deposits, or sediment buildup in the cartridge. Often, cleaning or replacing some internal parts can restore your faucet to normal operating conditions. In other situations, the internal parts might be so worn that you’d be better off installing a new fixture.

#4: Faucet Temperature Control is Dysfunctional

Many faucets have built-in safeguards that prevent you from getting blasted with shots of extremely cold or scalding water. If you notice a change in your water temperature, you may need to adjust these safeguards. The temperature problem may also be stemming all the way from your hot water heater’s settings. A plumbing technician can help you evaluate all possible causes and areas for adjustment or replacement.

#5: Faucet Finish is Breaking Down

Sometimes the reason for replacing bathroom faucets may be purely aesthetic – especially if you’re interested in increasing the resale value of your home. As you may already know if you watch HGTV, faucet design options are plenty in all price ranges – and can dramatically change the look of your whole bathroom.

Since the young Al Moen scalded himself and decided to design the single-handle faucet, allowing people to customize their water temperatures, plumbing technology has exploded. Now in addition to aesthetics, you can decide what spout length and handle types are most comfortable, whether you’d like it mounted on the wall or the countertop, and so much more!

Learn more about bathroom plumbing issues to beware of.

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